100% Handmade (no machine!)
by Christophe Mouhay
Designer, Artisan-Voyageur
from design to confection!
Contact me at chris@swiss-chris.com
Photos; Marc (CH), Philippe (CH), Jose (Portugal), Marc (Germany),
Agatha (F-P), Anna-Kate (England), Garret (England), Madame Corea,
ÔM (Indis), Nari & Micha (Japan), Sophie (French), Angi (Ireland) Roberto (Switzerland)
Model: Selina (CH), Myia (Japan), Catarina & Magdalena (Austria) Pacha Mana
Concept: Chris (CH), Marc (Germany)
Logo: Ruth (New Zealand)
Web Site: Marc (Germany) marc(at)hastenteufel.name
My latest interview with RTS a Swiss TV channel
I traveled to all these countries to find inspiration for my work.